Senin, 15 Desember 2014

PDF⋙ Trekking The Way of St Francis: From Florence To Assisi And Rome (Cicerone Guides) by Sandy Brown Reverend

Trekking The Way of St Francis: From Florence To Assisi And Rome (Cicerone Guides) by Sandy Brown Reverend

Trekking The Way of St Francis: From Florence To Assisi And Rome (Cicerone Guides)

Trekking The Way of St Francis: From Florence To Assisi And Rome (Cicerone Guides) by Sandy Brown Reverend PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This guidebook to the Way of St Francis describes a 550km month-long pilgrim trail through the green heart of Italy. The route begins at Florence and goes through Assisi before its climax in Rome, exploring the mountains of Umbria, Tuscany and Lazio on the way. The route is split into 28 stages, each graded from 'easy' to 'hard'. Some stages include steep climbs and descents, but no special gear is required.
Alongside a detailed route description, colour maps and accommodation information, the guidebook contains a concise biography of Francis of Assissi and stories of his life that relate to each location visited. Also included is a walking tour of the Seven Pilgrim Churches of Rome. This book is a trove of information that makes a perfect companion for anyone setting out to walk the Way of St Francis.
The Way of St Francis is one of the most popular pilgrim routes in Italy, and it offers a great range of sights: olive groves, vineyards, Renaissance Florence, the Casentino National Forest, hilltop towns, ancient ruins, mountains, the Marmore Falls, the Vatican City and more.

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